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by Henry


3个来自非常规创始人的获奖技术和产品见解 (3 Winning Technology & Product Insights from WeChat’s unconventional founder)

Intro: The writer is a current PM@LinkedIn. Formerly he worked as a growth engineer @Facebook. he spends~5 hours on average daily using/thinking about messaging & social apps (WeChat, LinkedIn, FB, Kik, Telegram, etc.)

简介 :作者是当前的PM @ LinkedIn。 他曾担任@Facebook的增长工程师。 他平均每天花费约5个小时使用/思考消息和社交应用(微信,LinkedIn,FB,Kik,Telegram等)


领英( 某项LSO ttps://www.linkedin.com/pulse/3-unique-technology-product-insights-from-wechats-founder-henry-yan/?lipi = urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base %3BSjGR8JWIS6SnFeYjDhDHqg%3D%3D

In the ever-evolving world of messaging and social apps, has seen unprecedented success.

在不断发展的消息传递和社交应用程序世界中, 取得了空前的成功。

It has surpassed 1 Billion MAU (monthly active users). It is regarded as the “operating system” for mobile users in Asia, with thousands of use cases — booking hotels/flights/movies, and managing assets, to name a few.

它已超过10亿MAU(每月活跃用户)。 它被视为亚洲移动用户的“操作系统”,有成千上万个用例,例如预订酒店/航班/电影以及管理资产。

When my friends outside Asia ask me why WeChat is so successful in China, my usual reply is: “if you try living in China for more than two weeks, you’ll find yourself inseparable from WeChat.”


To present more concrete insights behind WeChat’s success, I found it instrumental to study the very creator of WeChat: 张小龙 (Allen Zhang, the literal Chinese meaning is “small dragon”). If you’re interested in technology and problem-solving in general, many of his insights on product management and tech will probably be of interest to you.

为了提供有关微信成功的更多具体见解,我发现研究微信的创造者:张小龙(张艾伦,中文字面意思是“小龙”)很有用。 如果您总体上对技术和解决问题感兴趣,那么他对产品管理和技术的许多见解可能会引起您的兴趣。

Allen is an introvert and computer geek. Some people have joked online that it’s “fascinating how a man who himself isn’t super sophisticated at communication built one of the most successful communication/messenger products”

艾伦(Allen)是一个性格内向的计算机专家。 有人在网上开玩笑说,“这令人着迷,他本人并不精通通信,是最成功的通信/信使产品之一”

Allen started his career as an engineer, and later became a product manager. He founded an email software startup, , which was acquired by .

艾伦的职业生涯始于工程师,后来成为产品经理。 他创立了一家电子邮件软件初创公司 ,该公司被收购。

I want to share some of the top themes I came across after reading his posts and speeches. Each theme comes with a feature or product that best exemplifies it.

我想分享我在阅读他的帖子和演讲后遇到的一些主题。 每个主题都带有最能体现其特色的功能或产品。

1.少即是多。 简单导致美丽。 (1. Less is more. Simplicity leads to beauty.)

( 少即是多。 简单就是美。)


示例:“摇动”作为搜索和发现的网关 (Example: “Shake” as a gateway to Search & Discovery)

To illustrate the importance of simplicity, Allen once drew the following physics analogy:


Physicists state that our law of the universe is very simple. If the law of the universe is simple, why do we complicate features?
物理学家指出,我们的宇宙定律非常简单。 如果宇宙定律很简单,为什么我们会使特征复杂化?

Reducing cognitive load and making the UI (user interaction) intuitive has served WeChat well.


“Shake” (摇一摇) is a prominent example. The UI is extremely minimalistic with no text or UI to start with. To use the feature, you just physically shake the phone. It helps the user discover friends who’re shaking simultaneously, and extends to other use cases such as off-line business purchases and even collecting red packets (free money, 红包)。All you do is shake.

摇一摇(Shake)是一个突出的例子。 UI非常简约,没有任何文本或UI开头。 要使用此功能,您只需物理摇动手机即可。 它可以帮助用户发现同时发抖的朋友,并扩展到其他用例,例如脱机业务购买甚至收集红包(免费钱,红包)。 您要做的就是发抖。

People used shake 810 million times in 1 minute during Spring Gala 2013 for audiences to collect red packets. This feature went viral, because shaking is physically visible. Everyone else sees you using it, and it spurs their curiosity.

在2013年Spring晚会上,人们在1分钟内晃动了8.1亿次,以使听众收集红包。 由于震动在物理上是可见的,因此此功能具有病毒性。 每个人都看到您使用它,这激发了他们的好奇心。

This feature also extends to offline search and discovery, combined with iBeacon and Bluetooth technology. Users can easily find restaurants, exhibits, museums, and clothing stores nearby via this feature.

结合iBeacon和蓝牙技术,此功能还扩展到脱机搜索和发现。 用户可以通过此功能轻松找到附近的餐馆,展览馆,博物馆和服装店。

For example, at a plaza, you can shake in WeChat to discovery nearby stores and get rewarded with coupons and deals — this has been a killer monetization use case.


It is truly fascinating how a feature with such minimalistic UI and design elements has been so widely successful. As Allen puts it:

真正令人着迷的是具有如此简约的UI和设计元素的功能如何如此广泛地成功。 正如艾伦所说:

If a feature needs lengthy text explanation the design of the feature has already failed.


Simplicity has been the key to this feature’s success.


2.人们贪婪,爱随机,可变的奖励。 快节奏的功能。 (2. People are greedy and love random, variable rewards. Pleasure beats features.)

(用户是贪心的,人类对随机,可变奖励上瘾。 “爽”胜过功能。)


示例:游戏化的红包 (Example: Red Packet with gamification)

From a neuroscience perspective, human brains can not resist variable rewards. These rewards induce dopamine in our brains and create habits. Tristan Harris from has compared sticky apps that have variable rewards to slot machines in casinos. They create the same type of intermittent variable awards.

从神经科学的角度来看,人的大脑无法抵抗可变的报酬。 这些奖励会在我们的大脑中诱发多巴胺并养成习惯。 来自 Tristan Harris比较了具有可变奖励的粘性应用程序给赌场中的老虎机。 它们创建相同类型的间歇变量奖励。

Allen Zhang and WeChat have taken this psychological device to unprecedented heights to optimize retention and hook people’s attention. Red packet (红包) is a prominent example.

张艾伦(Allen Zhang)和微信(WeChat)将这种心理装置带到了前所未有的高度,以优化保持力并吸引人们的注意力。 红包(Red pack)是一个突出的例子。

In essence, it functions as a P2P (peer-to-peer) money transfer feature with gamification. The feature is also deeply rooted in the Chinese culture where people send red packets for celebratory and appreciative purposes.

从本质上讲,它具有游戏化的P2P(对等)转账功能。 该功能还深深植根于中国文化中,人们为了庆祝和欣赏目的而发送红包。

688 million red packets were sent on WeChat on Chinese New Year’s eve in 2018.


Users send a red packet of amount “x” to a group, creating a race for others to click and claim the monetary reward. Here’s the catch: you can specify that only the first “x” users get the reward, and the amounts are randomized.

用户向小组发送了一个红色的“ x”小包,从而使其他人争分夺秒地争夺金钱奖励。 这就是要注意的问题:您可以指定只有前“ x”个用户获得奖励,并且金额是随机的。

This induces huge amounts of FOMO (fear of missing out) and uncertainty about the variable rewards among the group.


The variable reward trio is satisfied — tribe (group members feel connected), hunt (a speed competition is created), and self (generates a feeling of accomplishment).


In the Hook Canvas Model, the corresponding action is extremely simple: you click on the rich-attachment of the redpacket, and the trigger is a notification that the red packet has been sent.

在Hook Canvas模型中,相应的操作非常简单:单击redpacket的Rich-attachment,触发是红色数据包已发送的通知。

Variable reward does the rest — competing to claim the red packet and receiving a randomized monetary reward induces dopamine and pleasure among users. This made red packet an unstoppable feature. It leaves the users feeling accomplished and always wanting more.

其余部分则采用可变奖励-争夺红包并获得随机的金钱奖励会在用户中引起多巴胺和愉悦感。 这使红包成为不可阻挡的功能。 它使用户感到满意,并且总是想要更多。

3.用户在微信上花费了太多时间。 好的产品表现为“实现您的需求并随心所欲”。 (3. Users are spending too much time on WeChat. A good product manifests “achieve what you need and be on your way.”)

微信占用用户太多时间,好产品应该 ”用完即走” 。


示例:小程序和聊天机器人 (Examples: Mini-programs and chatbots)

This is the most counter-intuitive piece. Allen thinks the ideal software products should let the users achieve their goals with the minimum amount of effort and time spent, without lingering too long in the app.

这是最违反直觉的作品。 Allen认为,理想的软件产品应使用户以最少的工作量和所花费的时间来实现自己的目标,而不必在应用程序中停留太长时间。

“Achieve what you need and be on your way” (用完即走) means that users shouldn’t spend too much attention and energy on screen. And they should move on to other important things in their lives, like spending time with family and other productive tasks.

“用完即走”(满足您的需求并按自己的方式行事)意味着用户不应在屏幕上花费过多的精力和精力。 他们应该继续生活中其他重要的事情,例如花时间处理家庭事务和其他生产任务。

This concept was first brought up when WeChat introduced the “Mini program” (小程序), a highly anticipated feature. It allows users to access any app experience by a third party within WeChat without downloading that app.

当微信推出备受期待的功能“小程序”时,就首次提出了这一概念。 它允许用户访问第三方在微信中的任何应用程序体验,而无需下载该应用程序。

For example, users can use the mini-program of (Chinese e-commerce giant) to purchase goods, and rent Mobike/Ofo bikes, all within WeChat. You can also watch Game of Thrones directly from the mini-program by Tencent Videos within WeChat.

例如,用户可以使用 (中国电子商务巨头)的小程序在微信中购买商品并租借Mobike / Ofo自行车。 您也可以直接从微信内的腾讯视频迷你程序观看《权力的游戏》。

This makes WeChat an operating system for all kinds of use cases. It’s a veritable Swiss army knife of utility features.

这使得微信成为适用于各种用例的操作系统。 这是名副其实的实用工具瑞士军刀。

Here’s the catch:


微信不向用户推广任何小程序,几乎不允许小程序发送任何推送通知。 (WeChat does not promote any mini-programs to users, and barely allows mini-programs to send any push notifications.)

To access mini-programs, users have to discover them organically on their own accord: either by scanning a QR code or searching on their own.


When it comes to push notifications, WeChat only allows the very minimum by mini-programs (only payment confirmation and if the users have used it within 7 days). The same philosophies apply to WeChat official accounts, also known as chatbots.

当涉及到推送通知时,微信仅允许通过迷你程序提供最小限度的通知(仅付款确认,并且如果用户在7天内使用过)。 同样的观念也适用于微信官方账户,也称为聊天机器人。

当用户三个月没有使用聊天机器人帐户时,微信甚至会提示取消订阅/取消关注(社交应用中几乎闻所未闻)。 (When users haven’t engaged with a chatbot account for 3 months, WeChat even promotes unsubscribe/unfollow (almost unheard-of in social apps).)

This has helped users cleaned up their contact list and improve the signal-to-noise ratio on WeChat significantly. I love this feature, because it prioritizes real value (quality feed and more relevant content) over traditional metrics (volumes and quantities).

这帮助用户清理了他们的联系人列表,并显着提高了微信上的信噪比。 我喜欢这个功能,因为它比传统的指标(数量和数量)优先考虑实际价值(优质的饲料和更相关的内容)。

In this attention-deficit and clickey world, Allen and WeChat took a stance to give users more freedom. They let them choose when to use the app without creating too much “pull.”

在这个注意力匮乏和棘手的世界中,Allen和微信采取了为用户提供更多自由的立场。 他们让他们选择何时使用该应用程序,而不会产生过多的“拉动”。

Research shows users have been spending north of 4 hours per day on their smartphones. I personally have used 20+ mini-programs and subscribe to 150+ chatbot accounts: all of which are vying for their users’ attention.

研究表明,用户每天在智能手机上的花费超过4个小时。 我个人使用了20多个微型程序,并订阅了150多个聊天机器人帐户:所有这些都在争夺用户的关注。

I can hardly imagine what would happen if WeChat allowed them to freely send notifications, post banners, and use alerts. Users would constantly get distracted by notifications, most of which would likely be noise. Their attention and daily productivity would take a considerable hit.

我很难想象,如果微信允许他们自由发送通知,张贴横幅和使用警报,将会发生什么。 用户会经常被通知分散注意力,其中大部分可能是噪音。 他们的注意力和日常生产力将遭受重大打击。

Achieve what you need and be on your way 用完即走 (to other important things in your life) is perhaps one of the most controversial yet profound value propositions for a software product. The question comes down to the debate of metrics vs. real user value. WeChat has been praised for making the experience lighter and reducing the tools to the very essential.

实现需要的东西并按自己的方式行事(对于生活中的其他重要事物)可能是软件产品最具争议性但意义深远的价值主张之一。 问题在于度量与实际用户价值之间的争论。 微信使体验变得更轻松,并将工具缩减为非常必要的功能而受到赞誉。

If your product is good enough, users will come back on their own — you don’t need to pull them back.— Allen.


I formerly worked as a growth software engineer at Facebook. On average I spend about five hours daily using or thinking about different messaging and social apps such as WeChat, LinkedIn, Facebook, Telegram and Signal.

我以前在Facebook担任增长软件工程师。 我平均每天花费大约五个小时来使用或考虑不同的消息传递和社交应用程序,例如微信,LinkedIn,Facebook,Telegram和Signal。

What are your experiences/opinions about WeChat or other interesting messaging or social apps? I would love to hear more. Feel free to comment below!

您对微信或其他有趣的消息传递或社交应用有何经验/看法? 我希望听到更多。 请在下面发表评论!

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